Who You Are

Are you the person who puts her running shoes on each morning? Or are you the person who can’t wait to dig her hands into the soil? Do you saddle up before dawn? Or put your tennis shoes on? I often gaze in admiration at the community gardens I see as I jog through different towns along my journey. I always find myself saying, “I want to be a part of that!” I think it’s so great to be someone who grows healthy foods and nourishes our earth. Yet I am not a gardener (at least not right now). Though I love the idea of gardening – it is not I who gardens. It is not my natural tendency to get up and garden. It is my natural tendency to get up and run.

What is your natural tendency? What is it you get up and do? I ask this question because I think it’s important to know the answer. I think often times we put too much pressure on ourselves to be someone or something we are not. You cannot change who you are, so you shouldn’t feel guilty for who you are not. It’s important to know the difference between appreciating something and having to be a part of it. We have a lot of options with little time in this life. Choose wisely; choose what comes most naturally.