This is Dreaming

It comes after announcing to the universe that you don’t even know how to dream anymore…

Dreaming is pulling an animal spirit card and indulging yourself in its definition all afternoon. Dreaming is studying all the colors of the rainbow and then decorating your house accordingly. Dreaming is picking up the phone and calling someone you haven’t spoken to in years just because you thought of them in the shower. It’s frolicking, it’s playing, it’s watching a movie that takes you back in time. It’s picking up an enchanting book and turning to any page, or allowing the tarot cards to depict your next life phase.

It has no rhyme or reason. It isn’t logical and you can’t access it through your thinking mind. Your body initiates the dream, your senses tell you what you need. Maybe it’s a walk in the woods, maybe a long hot bath. You must not care about rules but let your instincts lead. It isn’t about “trying,” but letting go. Dreaming is looking to the trees and the wind for answers, and never doubting the timing of a crow’s caw.

It’s buying your dream car over mercury retrograde. It’s falling in love after a black cat’s crossed your path. It’s having no limits, no bounds, no rules; just the adherence to an imagination that’s run wild, just the loyalty to a soul’s stirring inside. Blind faith: trust without reason. It’s not what you “think,” it’s what you need. It’s magic, it’s bliss, and it’s unfathomably underutilized.