I looked… for what seemed like… forever to find the journal entry I wrote about this… but, I couldn’t… find it. And today’s the day I just feel inspired to write about it… so here it goes.
Today, August 11th 2019, I went to hike in the back country of Colorado, and I experienced, for the second time, what I like to call: the forest threshold. This is the point at which you are immersed deep in forest, thick with green plants and limited sunlight – no matter how sunny the day; it’s where you are so far back, that from this point on, meeting a mountain lion, bear, or moose would leave you completely to your own devices. You have to accept that you might not come back if you venture that far. You must be brave and care more about the adventure – through mother nature – than pretty much the rest of your life.
So here I am today, getting past my “3 mile mark” knowing that I am going quite a bit farther in – amidst my hesitancy and sore muscles – and I think of this: The point where you’re getting fatigued and you want to turn around, and you know you still have much farther to go to meet your goal, all of a sudden God steps in. When I commit to the journey, and I put one foot in front of the other, that is when newfound inspiration and strength comes in. I have voiced the commitment to keep going, and so “outside forces” step in to help. All of a sudden things get magical and I forget about my body, the time, or my mileage goal for the day. And before I know it, I look down, and I’ve traveled a 1/4 mile past my intended turn around point. That’s the forest threshold.
Wait! I just remembered… and I’ll have to write another blog about this, but the forest threshold is also where you get an influx of inspiration and ideas for your life. It’s when you have gone so far that you reach a point where new, “hidden” information gets revealed to you… more on this in another blog!!