This insight came while I noticed myself holding my breath around others – a common tendency I have because I’m ultra conscientious about my breath. Sadly, this has caused me to be a shallow breather most of my life. What’s worse, when I don’t allow my body the full in and out breath it needs, I deprive my brain of oxygen which prohibits my ability to think clearly. In doing this, I shut off my Spirit from expressing through me.
Realizing this, I started repeating: “Breathe as deeply as you can as discretely as you can.” This helps me to stay mindful about my breathing in public places like airports or grocery lines. And since I tend to be a shallow breather – more so in close proximity to others – it feels better to say “discretely” because then I don’t have to worry about how I might look (or sound). Not that it should matter anyway… we all must breathe!
Another sentence I say is: “Breathe from your Belly” which allows more air to come in and out, and provides me with more energy. A side effect of deep breathing before bed, is it helps you fall asleep faster. When you can’t quiet your monkey mind, and your thoughts are spinning out of control, it’s really helpful to train your brain to focus on your breath. Even better, challenge yourself to take the slowest, deepest in breath and the slowest, deepest out breath. Then before you know it, you’ll be out like a light.