This is what meditation is all about. Emptying your mind of its thoughts so you can be clear to receive. So much of the time, however, we are taught just the opposite. Our civilization values learning, knowledge, and progress with new ideas, so we are always striving to make ourselves better. Yet, in the process of all this doing, we forget how to be. We forget how to receive. And contrary to what society would tell us, we need to sometimes forget all we know to remember anew.
Some people will never take the time to do this. Others will only come to try it because they’ve run out of options, hit a brick wall, or had some kind of life trauma or illness that’s opened up their third eye to a new way; a new way of thinking and a new way of being. A way that supports the bigger picture and zooms out from all the details. This way is less about progress and more about connection. Connection with Source and connection with all other beings here on earth. Its top value is oneness, and the recognition that we are never separate, and never alone. When we empty our minds of ego-based thoughts and self-driven agendas, it is then we can make room for all the spiritual guidance that will really make our lives feel whole.