The love and the joy in my life are what heal me.
Emotions are powerful healing forces in our lives if we know how to use them right. It’s not just about our nutrition and our exercise programs, but how well we think about ourselves everyday. Can you accept the days you fall short? The days you cave into temptation? Or when you fail to live up to your own high expectations? Can you offer love and forgiveness as you would to a child when you make a mistake? Can you be gentle with yourself in times of doubt and confusion? Can you use humor to lighten the mood and see the bigger picture of life?
I hope so. Because the bigger picture is: that we will fail, we will fall short, and we will not live out every day in perfect perfection – no matter how well trained our subconscious minds are. Luckily, there is joy to be found in our undoing. For there is God to be found in the good moments and the bad. We are never out of reach from heaven. Peace is the function of heaven and we all deserve peace. We all deserve peace as we deserve love and joy. The only thing keeping us from these positive emotions is ourselves; our guilt and our fear and our lack of understanding of our own worthiness. Thus we must shed the veil from our eyes that we have kept there. Now is the time for love and joy.