We think we know what’s best for us, but do we really? When you look back and reflect on your life, I’ll bet there’s a lot of times you thought you or someone else needed something, only to find out later on, that not receiving it was actually a blessing. Or that in time, there was an even better outcome coming along.
This is why learning to surrender to life is so important. Surrendering not to our own needs, but to the greater plan at play. This is why praying the prayer: “God’s will not my own” is so effective – every time. And it’s not to say that your will is different from God’s, it’s just that your idea of how it could occur may be different. The way in which it will ultimately unfold is unknown to you. So if you trust that God’s will is always going to turn out better for you, it will make letting go of your expectations a lot easier.
At the end of our days, we all want to have experienced happiness; happiness and fulfillment in our lives. So it may not mean that writing a book or owning your own business is really the thing that will make you the most happy. Perhaps being a stay at home mom would bring you the most happiness. Trust the process. Try to find joy in all the little moments throughout the day. Pray for what you think you want, but then let God have the ultimate say. Life is not about the destination after all – it’s the journey – and learning to trust that you are being led through all the steps along the way.