I wrote this entry over 10 years ago, and stumbled across it yesterday. Some things never change…
I was listening to a Christian radio station the other day when I heard a man come on talking about the Bible. The most important piece of advice I got from him was that to be a Christian simply means you believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ, and thus you follow his example. I do believe in, and try my best to act as Jesus would, but what if I trust in other religious figures as well? There is a book I love called, “Spiritual Chicks Question Everything.” I believe that book was written for me! I LOVE learning about spiritual matters and I love getting my “personal belief system” formed from various sources. It just feels liberating! I like having the “freedom to choose.”
Let me share something with you: You should never feel guilty about what you do or do not want to believe. If someone or something tries to tell you that you need something or that you need to do something in order to be considered OKAY, or to be considered “accepted,” then that is hogwash. Don’t believe it. I encourage you to believe anything that makes you feel good – and nothing that makes you feel bad. It IS as simple as that. YOU already are whole, complete, perfect, etc. And ANYONE who tells you otherwise, well I’d say they’ve got their own issues to work out…
That said, there is a wealth of information out there and you should keep yourself educated. Choose what you are drawn to; read and study what resonates with your personal belief system… even if you don’t know what your personal belief system is yet, just be aware of the way your physical body reacts and notice your emotions as you read the words on the page. Then trust yourself! If it’s good – keep reading, but if it’s bad, throw it away! After you are soaked full of the written word, go for a walk. Let your brain relax, and notice your environment. Most of all, keep on experiencing what you are drawn to! If you are paying enough attention, sooner or later you will find a “sweet spot” in what you believe… and that is an awesome feeling! Remember, if someone wants to judge you for what you believe, just turn to him/her and say, “To each their own.” There is no such thing as “right” or “wrong,” there is only what we choose to label right or wrong.
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” – Rumi