Energy Risers

It is so vitally important that you recognize and honor your energy.  All too often we say, “I’m too tired,” and we give a laundry list of reasons why our energy stores have been depleted.  Why do we do that?  Why do we let ourselves get to that point?  Don’t we know how to manage our energy like we manage our time?  Don’t we listen to our bodies’ needs, and heed our Spirit’s call?  No, unfortunately we do not.  We have neglected our own awareness for the tasks and demands of the outer world.  Well, It’s high time to pay attention to the inner world so that we can manage our energy and keep some of it for ourselves! 

Not long ago I composed a list of activities to raise my own energy levels and reconnect to my vital life force. Here they are:

  1. Deep breathing: Taking deep breaths helps to oxygenate the cells of our bodies and increase our physical energy.
  2. Movement: Movement of your body in any way that you love can increase your energy. One technique I learned back in my high school volleyball days – and still use today, – is a tapping exercise where I use my thumb to tap each finger twice. I do this once in one direction and once in the other. So the count is: “1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4…” (4-4 is the thumb tapping the pinky) and then I do another double tap on the pinky for 5-5). Then it’s 6-6, 7-7, 8-8 going back the opposite direction until I reach my index finger on 8-8. Here I am back to the beginning and I repeat this exercise a few times over. I can’t tell you how powerful this is for building energy! It’s a little mind-focusing, breathing technique that I usually do while I’m moving and it really works! (Repeating the numbers out loud assists in your breathing pattern.)
  3. Certain scents: I love using aromatherapy oils. I have an essential oil diffuser in my home and use it frequently to clean the air, but the scents themselves are very uplifting. If you need a quick energy boost, go take the lid off one of your favorite oils and take a deep inhale.
  4. Water: Drinking clean water, bathing in water, or swimming in the ocean are all ways to cleanse our energy fields and increase our vital forces.
  5. Nature: I’m a tree lover, so I go immerse myself in the forest. But maybe you’re a beach lover, or someone who feels most alive on top of a mountain. So go to the places out in nature that sooth your soul and feed your spirit. Then you will come back re-energized. Try walking barefoot too! The earth gives us negative ions which have a multitude of healing benefits.
  6. Listen to music you like: Simply turn it on and turn it up. This will help boost your personal frequency so you can vibrate higher and feel more alive.
  7. Being in Love: Need I say more? We all know the rush of adrenaline and oxytocin that fills us with joy and excitement when we are in love. Another good thing is, if you are single, you can still feel this rush and gain energy from it by cuddling a pet or watching a romantic movie.