You can only eliminate so much in your life before you realize that there’s nothing in it that brings you joy.
After the ultimate simplification, you have to start bringing things back in. For without certain things, what’s the point of living? We’re here to experience, we’re here to have joy, and it’s not only about finding it within.
It’s to find it within first. And then, to add to that.
It’s important to recognize this concept in love as well. Sure, we can go it alone and be a warrior on the path to self-love, but then there comes a time to let others back in. We thrive in human connection, with human touch and affection. In my opinion, it’s the best kind of medicine there is. So reach out. Embrace others. It’s okay to want their love.
Be brave, be vulnerable. Ask for what you need and allow yourself to receive. Stop being so concerned with eliminating everything and everyone, and start looking for ways to embrace your peers and step back into love.