It’s funny to look back on our lives and see how habitual we really are. When I looked back today, I was reminded of the activities I did then – that I still do now. I came across a journal entry about having positive affirmations that relate to each day of the week. When I got to thinking deeper about this, it made me realize how we can choose to create our own belief systems at any time. The trick is, to make them habitual in our behavior and then use them often enough to create positive, sustainable changes.
Here’s what I wrote 13 years ago: “I was just rollerblading out along the Fox River bike trail in Illinois when this great idea came to me. About a year ago I decided that Tuesday was my favorite day of the week. Every Tuesday since, has always been a good day. I either don’t get called in to work, all my friends want to hang out with me, the day is sunny and warm, or I just have such an abundance of joy for no particular reason at all. Now, this may be the placebo affect taking place, but even if it is, who cares! It works anyway! So, my great idea is to start setting positive intentions for all the other days of the week as well… like maybe Wednesday will be a love filled day and Friday will be a day of great abundance… Ahh, the intentions can be limitless to my imagination… and yours too.
Another idea came shortly after: Numbers. I add positive thoughts to certain numbers I see throughout the day. Some of my ideas come from Numerology and angel numbers, but lots of them I make up. For example, when I see the number 99 I think of inner strength and hope. When I see 44 ~ my personal favorite, I am reminded that angels are all around me. So… when I’m driving and I see license plates, gas prices, or numbers on billboards, I am constantly reminded of these positive associations and the emotions they evoke. There are countless other positive affirmations I have linked to different numbers based on how I want to feel, or what I choose to be reminded of when I see those numbers. But the point here is not for me to tell you what each number means, it is for you to decide for yourself. Have fun with this, be imaginative. This is an excellent way to get yourself back on the path of joy and happiness in the moment. Below are some of my examples of affirmations for every day of the week:
Monday = Day of Miraculous New Beginnings
Tuesday = The Best Day of the Week (my personal favorite!)
Wednesday = Day of Great Abundance ~ you get a lot & you do a lot
Thursday = Day of Imagination ~ use it today more than ever to create the life you love
Friday = Good Fortune Day ~ Good things happen to those who wait, and those who believe
Saturday = Day of Love… Any kind from any source… just LOTS of it… overflowing in your life.
Sunday = Day of Rest, Day of God, Day that answers come. Day of Great Awakenings, reflection… (whatever floats your boat).
I think this exercise is awesome because now every day I have something to look forward to!!!!”
Now, 13 years later, I am having these same thoughts about Mercury Retrograde. I noticed as I was driving today, my mind kept fretting about Mercury Retrograde and how the reason for this delay and that inconvenience and my tardiness to an appointment, was all due to MR! And then I caught myself and said, “Wait a moment. If you are the creator (or at least the co-creator) of your life, why would you keep on tying yourself to a belief that’s stressing you out?” While I don’t doubt Mercury’s strong effects on us all, I do think we can take matter into our own hands on how we deal with it. For me today, I was able to reframe my mind by saying, “God’s power is stronger than Mercury Retrograde.” If God wanted it to happen any other way, He/She would have made it so.
Sometimes, we have to create our own beliefs in the moment as we notice things coming up, in order to quell our stress response and get back on track. Then if it works, it would be helpful to write down your new technique so you can remember to do it next time. Staying aware of your thought patterns is the first step in creating new belief systems.