Inspired by Greg Kimura’s poem: Cargo So often we ask, “Am I going the right way? Am I on the right track?” And the truth is, you’ll never know your ‘way’ until you know what gifts you hold. So go ask a trusted friend, or someone who knows you best to share what strengths they…
Category: Uncategorized
Feeling Known
I feel known because I make myself known. I believe there is a longing in all of us to feel known by another. But the great news is, you don’t need another to feel known! Writing blog number 19, this thought occurred to me: Through my writing, I am making myself known! I am here…
Taking Your Fears With You
I was just on a beautiful morning run when I had this epiphany about fears come. Sometimes while running on uneven ground, my mind starts to worry about my ankle twisting. It is in these moments that I remind myself that it’s okay if I’m worried about this happening, but I’m going to take that…
Finding what’s Sustainable
So often we give ourselves big lofty goals and set high standards to achieve success. Then when we fall short we usually say, “I’ll try again another day,” instead of thinking about how to reframe our goals to be more sustainable for the future. Maybe what you have been trying to do is just not…
Trust Yourself
It’s a valuable thing, to learn how to trust yourself. If only so you don’t become reliant on others’ opinions to steer your ship. Though well-intentioned as they may be, no one knows you like you. If you’re anything like me, you’ve taken your own way dozens of times, yet because of “not being where…
It’s okay to Change Your Mind
I can openly admit that I am a walking contradiction. Maybe it’s my Aquarian nature, or maybe that’s just my excuse. I like to try different things and I have trouble limiting myself to just one job (even if I do love it with all my heart). Sudoku puzzles are very hard for me and…
Deciding Where to Put Your Energy
Everyday we face decisions about where to put our energy. We only have so much energy, so we need to learn how to use it wisely. Otherwise, we’ll end up emotionally or physically drained. To conserve my own energy, I give myself a “low stress bar.” What this means is that there’s only so much…
Sometimes You Have to Play the Bad Guy
Even though you unconsciously do it, there are times in life when you have to teach others the hard lessons – just like others sometimes have to teach you the hard lessons. During these times there is always something we need to learn. Perhaps it is to keep better boundaries, or to not give your…
Taking Your Own Advice
We tend to write about, preach about, and think about all the things we need to do. This is why the saying, “We teach what we most need to learn” is so true. And perhaps that’s why we blog, shoot videos, and become counselors. And there’s no shame in this. We do all these things…
Whatever’s on Your Mind Matters
If you think what’s on your mind is not worth while because too many other people may be thinking the exact same thing – you’re wrong. Take a good look around. Do you see a bunch of people who look like you? Do you see a bunch of people acting like you? I didn’t think…