
Sometimes we travel to places so magical and inspirational, so beyond our wildest dreams magnificent, that we can’t believe we’ve never considered moving there before. But often times, these places are meant to be powerful transformational stops along our way, rather than places we’re suppose to settle. Although they make us feel incredibly alive and spontaneously joyous, they aren’t meant for us to live. They are there to spark something within us that’s been dormant so that we can go back home and put it to use.

My example came when I left Colorado to go visit the Oregon coast. It was amazingly beautiful there and everything in my body said, “This place is so good for you!” But after returning home, and not long after I was back, I had an astrocartography chart done. Though I never asked for it, during a reading with my astrologer, she offered, so I said okay. Well I was shocked to see that where I am near Denver is actually one of the best places I could be (from a career and love standpoint). However, from a soul expansion standpoint, Oregon looked pretty dang good too!

That made sense. So, I conclude that we have to be careful when we make our decisions. Feelings are powerful motivators – as I often talk about – and they can help us find clarity on what we desire and what we do not. But sometimes, the feelings themselves are not the reason to change. You have to be able to let some time pass and look at the big picture of your life. If I just wanted to rejuvenate myself until the day I die, I’d probably move to Oregon! But if I want to make a change in the world, share my gifts, and live out my purpose successfully, then somewhere smack dab in the middle of the US is actually where I’d be most effective. And it makes sense, because that’s where most of the population is!

So… it might be fun to have your astrocartography chart done, if only to spread some new understanding as to why you get pulled to the places you do.