A Purposeless Purpose

We all long for a purpose, but this is only because we don’t already feel okay with where we are or with who we are.  What if we could stop asking about our purpose and instead ask, “How can I better love and celebrate myself right here and right now – regardless of what my purpose is?”

What if you could start celebrating that you’ve figured out that your purpose is to have no purpose!?  And furthermore, that you being here is enough.  (Without this sense that you have to be doing something to be okay.)  I don’t know about you… but my purpose is to have no purpose!  My purpose is to wake up each day and say, “My job is simply to enjoy my life.  To do the things that feel meaningful to me, to care for myself in a way that feels nourishing to me, and to seek out knowledge that is interesting to me.  It’s to stay open, allowing my curiosity to take the lead, to surround myself with people who bring me joy, inspire me, and support me.  To focus my attention on positive outcomes, while daydreaming as much as possible.  It’s about finding someone to play with and love, and spending my working hours pursuing something that both my body and mind agree with.  It’s remembering to loosen the reins, drop the expectations, and go with the flow – in fact it’s giving up the oars completely – and simply allowing the stream to take me at its own pace.  It’s watching the beauty along the way, while seeking balance in all things; being kind but not allowing people to run me over, trusting, but not to the point of being deceived.  Being content, but never ceasing to improve.  It’s finding ways to quiet my mind while never neglecting to share my creativity with the world.  Above all else, it is to love.  To love myself and others without holding back.” 

Now who needs a purpose in life when you have all that?