Sleep Over Exercise

How many times have you said to yourself, “I’ve got to get up and work out?”  Even if you’re going to bed at midnight and need to be at work by 8:00 am?  Well, I used to be one of those people, but then a friendly person in a health food store reminded me of the great value of sleep.  We all know how important sleep is, but what we may not know, is how much sleep sets us back from our goals when we deny ourselves from it – even with something as seemingly “healthy” as exercise.  Please, please, please, choose sleep over exercise.  Your body will thank you.  Your hormones will be more balanced, your mood will be happier, and your immune system will be stronger. 

Once during an out-of-state sales conference, I chose to get up “extra early” to work out, denying myself much needed sleep (especially after the 1 hour time difference). Not surprisingly, I HIGHLY regretted this decision.  Sure, I got sweaty and burned a few calories, but I gained them all back the last night I was there – feeling so sleep deprived and not caring about what I put into my mouth!  Ugh… It always gets us folks.  We just cannot win when sleep deprived.  So, do your body a favor, and put sleep before exercise. 

Returning home from my business trip, I got sick (which never happens) but was understandable after not giving my body adequate rest. SO not worth my two 45 minute gym workouts!!!! And, if that is not enough proof that when we put exercise before sleep we do harm to our bodies, remember that inflammation in our bodies increases when we lack sleep, and when we exercise on a lack of sleep, it increases even higher.  So, even if you starve yourself and exercise, you won’t lose weight if your body is full of inflammation.  Inflammation = weight gain.