Yesterday I wrote about intuition and today I’d like to add a little more to that topic.
I think perhaps, the reason we can’t always connect with our intuition, is because we are not always suppose to. This is because we don’t always need it – or need to be thinking about it, that is. Sometimes we just have to be paying attention to life unfolding around us. It’s not that we are ever disconnected from our intuition, it’s just that when we are always focused on it, we can’t be present to the moment and everything that’s happening around us.
Furthermore, intuition is there when we need it – not necessarily when we go searching for it. And that’s because we are searching for something that can never really be lost! It’s always within us, and we never have to try to access it. This is a concept that’s hard for the over-achiever to grasp and accept, because it requires surrender – letting go – not trying… for once. But fear not dear one, intuition is acting on our behalf all the time in our daily lives, through our relationships, jobs, and even our mundane chores and errands; it’s never not with us. It just prefers to be a little mysterious.
So, perhaps our intuition is not something to be studied, but appreciated. It works behind the scenes. It’s not something we can improve upon within ourselves in order to somehow be more powerful or better able to navigate hard life decisions. It just shows up when It knows we need it.