Follow Your Own Path

Not everyone’s going to agree with you… even when you are right and when you are following your “True North.” And following your own path is easier said than done. It helps when you have positive experiences to look back upon to reassure you of your success. But what if you don’t? What if it appears that all your previous “leaps of faith” ended in you scuttling back with your tail between your legs? Well, that doesn’t mean it was for nothing. It was an experience wasn’t it? You leanred something didn’t you? And even if you have never had any “success” in following your own intuition, you may have had more success than meets the eye.

Sometimes we have to go through hardships to learn something crucial for our growth. One thing is true: never stop trying to hear your intuition. And when you think you’ve got an idea, roll with it. Remember, if it feels good in your body, it is a positive sign you are on the right track.

One more thing: Fitting in will always be more comfortable. So, don’t let fear stop you from going into the unknown. The initial feeling to make a change is expansive and joyous, but the action part is a little more scary. And this is when you really have to guard against others’ opinions and stay true to your original plan.