The Wounded Healers of Our Time

It has been my experience that all the wounded healers make excellent horse trainers (the gentle ones, that is). For these poor souls have endured such pain in their own lives, that they can enter into the arena fearless; for the worst has already been done to them. It is their rare confidence we all wish to posses, which horses follow like a magnet, and that captivates our hearts and uplifts our souls.

So do not be discouraged then, if you can’t figure out how to be just like them. For they are a rare breed, deserving all the honor they receive. It has not been an easy path to get them here. It’s taken arduous amounts of pain. These people are gifts to our society as they bravely confront challenges we wouldn’t dare to. They are the wounded healers of our time, and they deserve to be prized. We all would do well to remember then that the road they walk isn’t an east one; to be that good, one often has had to withstood something horrendously bad.

Thank you, wounded healers, for showing up in this world and sharing your gifts, when it would be so much easier to hide. We appreciate you more than you know.