My health comes first. Before my job, before my family, and before my friends. And, as selfish as this may sound to some, I have learned through numerous illnesses and injuries and autoimmune issues, that if I do not put my health first, everything else in my life suffers.
Maybe you need to do the same thing too. And maybe you need to get over the fact that it’s not selfish of you to think of yourself before others. After all, isn’t it true: If you don’t have your health you don’t have anything? And if others make you feel guilty, or put pressure on you for putting your bodily needs before them, just know that their concern is really not about you at all; it’s about their own insecurity. The best thing you can do as a role model for them is to stick to your guns and do what’s best for you.
Another thing, if you feel embarrassed by your behavior or ashamed in some way, know that this is your indicator that you need more practice standing up for yourself. Guilt and shame are never signs to listen to, but rather, to break through.