Consult the Higher Mind First

Often times we get these urges to do something, or a thought about the past arises which causes us to think we need to take action.  But how about we stop before we act and consult our higher mind first? Our higher mind is the one that’s detached from our ego.  And it usually has another opinion…

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Knowing What’s Best for Us

We think we know what’s best for us, but do we really?  When you look back and reflect on your life, I’ll bet there’s a lot of times you thought you or someone else needed something, only to find out later on, that not receiving it was actually a blessing.  Or that in time, there…

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Make the Mistakes

Make the mistakes, because making them is better than never starting at all.  We have all feared the mistakes we might make, and it paralyzes us from taking action. But if we just accept right off the bat, that we are going to make mistakes and that nothing is going to be perfect, we can at least stop making…

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Just Focus on the Silence

That’s all you have to do.  Sometimes I think we can even overthink meditation.  We can count our breaths, slow our breath, or use guided visualization.  And while all these methods have their place, what about just listening to the silence?  What about just literally doing nothing? Yes, it’s true that your thoughts will come and go,…

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Forgive Yourself for Being Yourself

When you are with another, you must balance self-care with care for the other.  It is easy to slip into the trap of feeling guilty for pursuing your own interests when another is around.  But if you are in a healthy relationship – not a codependent one – this should not be an issue.  You…

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Don’t Worry, You’ll Feel It

Don’t worry, you’ll feel it when it’s right. When it’s right for you do anything, your intuition will tell you. For example, I often feel guilty if I do not do the exercise routine I planned for the day. But my body knows better than I do. It knows when it’s best for me to…

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Our Cup Cannot Be Filled if We Do Not First Empty It

This is what meditation is all about.  Emptying your mind of its thoughts so you can be clear to receive.  So much of the time, however, we are taught just the opposite.  Our civilization values learning, knowledge, and progress with new ideas, so we are always striving to make ourselves better.  Yet, in the process…

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On Having Enough Time

Often times we give the excuse that we don’t have enough time; time to meditate or time to exercise or even just time to relax.  But if we simply give ourselves the time, we notice that the world gives us more time.   When we are always racing around saying, “I haven’t enough time!” The Universe always agrees.…

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Lowering Your Stress Bar

You do have a choice. It just may make others uncomfortable.  You don’t have to listen to the news.  You don’t have to keep engaging in that uncomfortable relationship.  You don’t have to do everything on your to-do list.  Seriously.  Think about what is not essential that’s causing you stress and stop doing it.  Life is too damn short if you…

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Having Energy for Creativity

Having Hashimoto’s, I know first hand what it’s like to experience chronic fatigue and brain fog. I know what it’s like to get up at 8:00 am and feel like I need a nap by 10:00 am.  I know how embarrassing it feels to forget my thoughts in the middle of a conversation and not know…

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