
If you can recognize that you will never be without yourself, then you will never have to fear being alone again. If you can accept that you may be the only one in your whole life who won’t ever leave you, then you can relinquish the fear of being left by another. Though you cannot…

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Rain Down on Me Play

Bring me laughter, let me sing, help me feel… alive… again. Let me dance, make me move, I want to twist, and twirl, and sway. Keep me free, delay the day; forget all sense of time and keep me mystified. Nature come through, do what you do. My body is yours, my senses too. Breathe…

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Change the Words

I cannot tell you how many times I crossed out the words “fear” and wrote “love” that year I read the Bible front to back. I also cannot tell you how many times I change words from books that don’t resonate with me today. We all have an inner being that gives us “yea or…

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A Different Kind of Baptism

I want to preface this blog by saying that I consider myself a “spiritual” person. I could easily be the one who drives around with the bummer sticker “COEXIST” or “God Bless the Whole World No Exceptions” on the back of her car. So, though I was brought up as a Christian in a Presbyterian…

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A New Zealand Wish

I couldn’t help following up my last blog post with a much grander example of how you get what you wish for. I’m 35 now, but back when I was 17, my parents’ friend asked me what I really wanted to do. This was during a time I felt frustrated with life, and cared more…

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Never Stop Wishing

Sometimes wishes are not needed; for our desires alone will do. The Universe misses nothing. Our thoughts are prayers – which also implies that our thoughts are our wishes. So, just by thinking and going about your day, you are putting your preferences out into the world. One could argue then, that there really is…

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Strong vs. Weak

Everyday we make decisions, some holding more weight than others. For instance, do I wear the red shirt or the blue shirt? Obviously, this decision does not require much personal empowerment to make. But how about: Should I move across the country and quit my job, or stay here? Clearly, you want to be more…

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A Being Day and a Doing Day

This is how my weekend is divided: Saturday I do-do-do and Sunday I be-be-be. This helps me balance getting things done with taking enough time to rest. Resting is the most over-looked health enhancement activity that we can do. I always have more energy to exercise, and experience less pain and fatigue while doing it,…

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Intuition: Our Behind the Scenes Helper

Yesterday I wrote about intuition and today I’d like to add a little more to that topic. I think perhaps, the reason we can’t always connect with our intuition, is because we are not always suppose to. This is because we don’t always need it – or need to be thinking about it, that is.…

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This is Intuition

I saw a bear yesterday and it prompted this post. I was hiking one of my favorite trails in Conifer, CO, and at the beginning, I had a thought of exactly where on the trail I would stop listening to my YouTube video and start paying attention to Mother Nature. Just before I reached that…

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