This title was inspired after telling a car salesman no when I really wanted to say yes. Another example came after saying no to a physician’s plan of treatment, because I knew I needed to take more time and do more research. Yet, in both of these situations I very much wanted to say yes.…
Month: July 2019
Accept Looking Like a Fool
Accept that you may contradict yourself, accept that you may make a mistake, accept that you may offend someone, and especially, accept that you may be wrong. Isn’t it better to express who you are now than wait until some imagined state of perfection? Isn’t it better to embrace the way you feel about something…
Second Thoughts on God’s Voice
In my last post I spoke about ways to hear God’s voice. Well today, I went walking deep in the forest and it dawned on me, why talk about a “voice” when feelings are so much more accurate? I mean, my example this morning came clear as day. I was sitting in meditation and I…
God’s Way is Always the Better Way
Because God lives within us and desires through us, it’s only natural that when we surrender to God, we end up happier with the results. But what most people fear, is that by surrendering to “God’s will” they won’t get exactly what they want – when actually it’s the exact opposite. They end up getting…
Energy Risers
It is so vitally important that you recognize and honor your energy. All too often we say, “I’m too tired,” and we give a laundry list of reasons why our energy stores have been depleted. Why do we do that? Why do we let ourselves get to that point? Don’t we know how to manage…
Three Things
I once lived with a lovely lady along the coast of California in a small town called Carpenteria. She was a progressive, social Aquarius who stayed out later than me (at 86…). I was 28 and always impressed with her energy, style, and “perpetually optimistic” attitude towards life. To say that she lived her life…
If you could connect with some object in nature that links you to your deepest truth, what would it be? For me, it would be a lighthouse. I have always experienced a rush of emotion whenever I come into contact with one; although I grew up in the Midwest and never actually saw one. I…
The Interesting Thing About Getting What You Want
Have you ever received exactly what you thought you wanted and then had doubts that it was really what you needed? Wants can be a double-edged sword. So maybe we should just ask for what we need – not what we think we want – and trust that we will find deeper satisfaction from our…
What Really Matters
On February 17th 2013, at 6:13 pm, I wrote this: Well, here I am… back in Colorado. After another “transition” ~ now in my 29th year. Tonight, I write with a heavy heart because I have tried to do what I think is best, and I have stayed true to honoring my feelings, communicating them…
Blogging is like Cleaning out Your Closet
It feels so good to clean out the clutter! Do you ever agonize over having so many ideas stewing in you that at any moment you could just burst? Well, I’ve certainly felt that way, and this year, my volcano has erupted! This blog has shown me just how much I’ve been holding in –…