New Moon Wishes

Now here’s a trip down memory lane… and since today is the new moon, I thought it was the perfect time. I wrote this back in 2007, but I still carry on this wishing tradition today… I just got another new moon wish!  Get this: I actually found myself a massage therapist for NO charge!! …

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I Already Have Everything

This is the best affirmation for anyone who wants anything.  For if we are firm in believing that we already have everything we need, the universe will keep giving us everything we want!  It’s not about lying to yourself, it’s about trusting that when you are content with what you have, you will always receive more.…

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Gathering Your Power

There are times when silence is best. You need a certain amount of time to gather strength with your ideas before you can share them with the rest of the world. Then, when you do, they are momentous. They make an impact. Your conviction is unshakable and you can persuade even the most closed of…

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Soak up Life

Whenever you begin to doubt yourself, I encourage you to reflect back on your life.  This is one reason I write.  Writing helps us remember who we are.  Sometimes too, we are supposed to “go with the flow” while other things are being worked out that we cannot see.  So even after reviewing our writings…

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Time Teaches

You must be patient with your life, with the unfolding of it.  One day you think you’ve got it… then the next you don’t… You change your mind and wonder and question and fear and doubt.  But life always unfolds the way it is supposed to.  Just do your best to stay present.  This will help…

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The Calendar Trick

When you really want something, tell the Universe what date you want it by and mark that date on your calendar.  Without planning it out or calling to see if an appointment’s available, just go to your calendar and write it on there as if it’s already set in stone.  Here are some examples that…

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It’s Not Punishment, it’s Feedback

Don’t ever feel like you are being “punished” for your behavior. What you think is punishment is actually just feedback on what works and what doesn’t. I say this to release you from unnecessary guilt and shame that you may have picked up along the way. The worst thing you can do is beat yourself…

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Everything Brings You Something

The Universe doesn’t forget what you’ve asked for. Even if it doesn’t come to you for years down the road. So take the risks you want to take. Do the things you want to do. When you follow your heart, your dreams, and your ambitions, the Universe always has your back. Everything brings you something.…

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Stop Being so Hard on Yourself

I can only speak from experience. Everything I tell you, I tell myself. You know the biggest problem with being too hard on yourself? You drive other people away. No one can relate to you – nor would they want to. It can be exhausting to hang around a perfectionist. It can feel self-defeating to…

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The Wounded Healers of Our Time

It has been my experience that all the wounded healers make excellent horse trainers (the gentle ones, that is). For these poor souls have endured such pain in their own lives, that they can enter into the arena fearless; for the worst has already been done to them. It is their rare confidence we all…

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