Making Your Health a Priority

My health comes first. Before my job, before my family, and before my friends. And, as selfish as this may sound to some, I have learned through numerous illnesses and injuries and autoimmune issues, that if I do not put my health first, everything else in my life suffers. Maybe you need to do the…

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Own Being You

You gotta own being you. If you’re a perfectionist and you like things a certain way, embrace that. Many others are lazy and disorganized. So what’s wrong with wanting to be precise and particular? Neat and organized? Maybe erring a little on OCD? I’m not kidding. I’ve spent my life trying to change myself into…

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Room for Miracles

When you let go of what you think you need, God can give you exactly what you need. It’s easy to want to create vision boards and make wish lists when you are clear and finally know what it is you want. But even then, the ego has its hold. For if you were truly…

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Sometimes we travel to places so magical and inspirational, so beyond our wildest dreams magnificent, that we can’t believe we’ve never considered moving there before. But often times, these places are meant to be powerful transformational stops along our way, rather than places we’re suppose to settle. Although they make us feel incredibly alive and…

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How to Distinguish Between Thoughts and Feelings

You have to know how to differentiate between your thoughts and your feelings in order to make the appropriate choice. If your mind keeps nagging you to call your friend (thought) but your body doesn’t want to (feeling), then why would you? It’s been said that our greatest intelligence lives within the cells of our…

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The Activities that Ground You

What are the activities that ground you? Do you know what they are? One of them for me is planning my next day each evening. When I wake up and know exactly what I need to do, it gives me such peace and tranquility. Another grounding activity is sitting down for a 5 minute breathing…

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Act As If

It’s often when we believe we’ve found the answer, that we start feeling better. So why not just pretend we already have it? Isn’t it true: the moment you just make an appointment with the doctor, you start feeling better? And think about how many times the “placebo” effect works – though no medicine is…

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The Way Cannot be Found Without Knowing the Cargo

Inspired by Greg Kimura’s poem: Cargo So often we ask, “Am I going the right way? Am I on the right track?” And the truth is, you’ll never know your ‘way’ until you know what gifts you hold. So go ask a trusted friend, or someone who knows you best to share what strengths they…

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Feeling Known

I feel known because I make myself known. I believe there is a longing in all of us to feel known by another. But the great news is, you don’t need another to feel known! Writing blog number 19, this thought occurred to me: Through my writing, I am making myself known! I am here…

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Taking Your Fears With You

I was just on a beautiful morning run when I had this epiphany about fears come. Sometimes while running on uneven ground, my mind starts to worry about my ankle twisting. It is in these moments that I remind myself that it’s okay if I’m worried about this happening, but I’m going to take that…

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